Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lagenda Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warriors Legend)

I have never watched this movie. I just love the song.

However, when I read and find more information about this nice song, it leads me to one conclusion.

I must watch this movie!

Watching this trailer movie and reading all comments about this movie make me visualise how 10 brave rainbow warriors (title of the film) went through harsh life with tears and joy but without remorse. Laskar Pelangi is an Indonesian movie released in September 2008. The story is about 10 Belitong kids of Laskar Pelangi. With poor condition of their elementary school-SD Muhammadiyah, but with the struggle of superb teacher, Mrs.Muslimah, they’re fighting with hard to reach their dreams.

Laskar Pelangi producer, Riri Riza said : “Laskar Pelangi has unique story, fully dynamic life with appearance of 10 strong character students and an ambitious teacher which has big and noble wishes.

Any idea where to find the movie?

p.s. Paling aku eksaited sebab dalam video klip lagu tu, video camera nidji pakai tu macam ada satu kat umah ni.. hu hu..


Anonymous said...

eh cepat je dah jadi wartawan gosip... huhu... apasal budak2 tu cakap macam guna bahasa melayu je?

Shima said...

ala.. saje suka2 mengisi masa lapang.. tapi tak boleh lawan bakat Penulis Resah..

Rata-rata penduduk Pulau Belitung suku kaum melayu berketurunan cina.

Err... ko tau ke tak Pulau Belitung ni kat mana?

Anonymous said...

aku cuma tau pulau pinang je sebab ada nasi kandar misai... haha

Shima said...


Ko ni asyik ingat makan aje.. hu hu..