Friday, April 17, 2009

Mi Amor Mi Vida Mi Corazon

Mi Amor, Mi Vida, Mi Corazon (My Love, My Life, My Heart)

My final exam for Semester 2 is approaching. Just around the corner. In 3 days time, I will be sitting for my first paper.

It has been a few time since this morning as I tried to focus on my books and my notes. Nevertheless, every time I try, it is not working.
I just cannot focus on any of my task now.

As I tried to breathe in and breathe out several times, I realise that I could not make it. My mind is flying away.

It has been more than 2 weeks since Hannah has ongoing flu. Finally, yesterday Hannah was referred to ENT specialist. Therefore, the whole day yesterday we were in Tawakal Hospital. We went to see the specialist; Hannah did the CT Scan and XRay as well. The result as below:

1. The adenoids are enlarged with narrowing of the postnasal airways.

2. There is mucosal thickening in the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses. In addition, the right side appears worse than the left.

3. Nasal turbinates are hypertrophic.

So, as expected, the Dr recommended us the very best solution for Hannah, that is for her to undergone a surgery.

I would say that these might be the reasons why:

1. Hannah always watches TV with a very high volume.

2. There are several times I realise Hannah does not respond when I called her.

3. Her academic performance is slowing down; because she could not understand very clear during teaching and learning process in class.

4. She could not breathe through nose as normal, forcing her to breathe through her mouth.

5. She experiences bad snoring lately.

6. When she eats something I cook, she tastes nothing.

Hannah my sweet girl, mummy loves you so much.
I would do whatever it takes to make this world such a beautiful world for you sweetie.
I would take any risk to make sure you can experience this wonderful world.

DEFINITELY, I have to put aside all my books, push away all my notes for a while.

At this moment, the only image that comes to my mind is my sweet little Hannah.

1 comment:

Wafa said...

Sabarlah..setiap apa yang berlaku itu ada hikmahnya... mungkin selama ini kita sebagai parents seringkali alpa.. dan ini dugaan tuhan agar kita renungkan kembali tanggungjawab kita...

Semoga Hannah selamat menjalani prosedur2 semua tu... Amin..