Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Antara Selar, Tenggiri dan Jenahak

Telur dadar - Hannah loves most

Ever since she was small, Hannah loves to eat eggs. Every day she asks for nasi and telur until I got headache persuading her to take others than eggs. Until Hazeqah was born then only Hannah started to eat other type of food. At that moment, Hazeqah was staying with Bibik (dah arwah dah); she had 5 kids back in her hometown so basically she managed to cook for Hazeqah a lot of different choices of food. I still remembered that moment when Hazeqah was little; she used to eat different kind of food and Hannah started to follow.

Telur mata - well.. she takes only the white part

Slowly, she started with nasik goreng kosong, from time to time I add anchovies’, chicken, shrimps etc. Just to make sure that she can get rid of eggs! In fact, starting from 2 years back, I told them, only Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday they are allowed to eat Eggs. The rest of the days must be others for instance fish, chicken, beef, etc. Just to make sure they get varieties of vitamins and minerals.
It has been nearly one year, Hannah has stopped taking chicken (except KFC). Back home, normally chicken is not their favourite. Even Hazeqah also she prefers not to eat chicken. Their favourite was ikan selar. Even though we tried to initiate ikan tenggiri, ikan jenahak, ikan merah, but maybe ikan selar has crusty taste so for nearly a couple of months ikan selar were in ‘everyday menu list’.

selar goreng garing

HOWEVER, today, if you ask, no more ikan selar for them. Their set of choices are diverging to Ikan Tenggiri, Jenahak or Ikan Merah and occasionally ikan bawal. So, currently, every week I have to make an appointment with the girl at Pasar Borong and basically, for a week, they might have seekor ikan tenggiri and seekor ikan jenahak or ikan merah saiz besar. But they will only eat the body. The head? Of course, kena masak asam pedas atau kari kepala ikan la jawabnya..

Tenggiri goreng kunyit

Asam pedas jenahak

Kari kepala ikan jenahak

Today I visit Pasar Borong Selayang and please view the list price below:
2 ekor Tenggiri sederhana = RM 85
2 ekor Jenahak sederhana = RM 88
1 ekor Merah sederhana = RM 35
Total Price = RM 208

Believe it or not? This is only for 10 days consume! And they are only for my 2 girls!
Therefore, for a month, basically, the basic cost of all fishes are = RM 624.

Nampaknya mama kena belajar buat kolam ikan macam villa Kendung boleh makan ikan free.. hu hu..


Permata Nusantara said...

wah...itu baru 2 org...ikan mmg lagi mahal dari ayam...hehe...tapi asalkn budak2 tu makan..sumber protein..hehe

Shima said...

cik permata..
Kalau sekali makan goreng 3 ketul ikan pun depa dah komplen.. '3 aje?'.
Nanti apa kata cik permata designkan kolam ikan nak buat depan rumah kakak hu hu... murah sket nak makan tangkap aje.