Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why English is seems to be a very difficult subject?

Why English is seems to be a very difficult subject?

Sometimes I do not understand myself. I was exposed to this subject ever since I was at small age and yet every time when I do English writing I will be facing the same difficulty again and again. It is the grammar.
When I was still in school, English teachers taught English as a subject.
They never make us see English is something that is supposed to be absorbed in our daily lives.
They never give you any idea about many fascinating things in English.
They never created the English environment in our mind.
Everything is about exam!
That is why until the end of time we will be interpreting English as a very tedious subject, boring and not fun at all.

Some of English teachers keep on using both languages as they teach English.
They like to translate English words to Malay words when comes to understanding the meaning.
For me, teachers are supposed to use English Language to teach English not to use Malay Language to teach English!

Many people lack confidence to speak English because they worry about making mistakes. In addition, that the other person will not understand what they say and maybe the other person will laugh at them if they make a mistake.

Well, whether I like it or not, easy or difficult, I need to use English in writing my theses.
Someone tells me this today:
English are like Mathematics. If you know the formulae, you can apply it everywhere. There is always a clue in each of the statement.
At least I am brave enough to have my blog written in English!!
p.s. Another thing, why do people keep on arguing about teaching and learning Science and Mathematics in English? Let the children learn. Let them have the environment. Give them the chance. After a period of time, I am sure we can be proud of our children!
I dont want my children to see English in the same way I have been looking at it..


Anonymous said...

ko tak tau aku ada komen pasal pengajaran sains dan matematik ni dalam blog chedet

Shima said...

ko ingat tak dulu masa ko sekolah menengah ko ada belajar matematik dengan sorang budak UM ni? Pastu ko terus dah taknak belajar matematik lagi dah.. hu hu..

tu baru dalam bahasa melayu..

Anonymous said...

kwang3x... sbb tu aku x nak budak2 skrg jadi mcm aku dulu, kalau x pandai ckp omputeh, jd la mcm aku ni gi interview je kantoi

Shima said...

Mana la tak kantoi.. bukak mulut aje dah bau budu.. hu hu..