Friday, December 19, 2008

Chan kin phet dai (I can eat spicy food)

I never like soft drink. I think last time I tasted the carbonated drink was 2 years ago during fasting month. The reason why is that I was soooo thirsty during daytime as I could see many small kids drinking coke. I only had a can of coke and thats all!

But in Phuket, I can say that I had a lot of Indian food. Especially beriyani chicken and dhal makhni. I always ask for more spicy. Finally after finish my beriyani, my tummy felt uncomfortable. he he.. Also nice tom yum and sea food.. yummy!!

Delicious Chiken Beriyani

Dhal Tadka

Potato with Ginger

Tom Yum in Coconut Juice

Fried Squid with salad

Hannah is also enjoying beriyani


I tried to find ENO ginger, but its not easy. I manage to get the sachet at Watson in Carefour near my hotel on the 3rd day. Imagine.. so what did I do?

The answer is simple. I drink coke!

Coca-Cola has a policy of avoiding using children younger than the age of 12 in any of its advertising. This decision was made as a result of a lawsuit from the beginning of the 20th century that alleged that Coke's caffeine content was dangerous to children. However, in recent times, this has not stopped the company from targeting young consumers.

Coke or any soft drinks are not good for health. Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle soft drink and in 10 days it is dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only human organs that stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your delicate soft intestines and stomach lining! To all COKE / PEPSI LOVERS, think again the next time before you say " CHUP.
Well, I know a guy I met in Japan who is crazy drinking coke. He drinks at least a can of coke everyday. Scary me! After 3 years, I am not sure what happen to him. Still drinking coke I guess?

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